
Digital-Ad Buyers Flock Heavily to Connected TV

By Jay Bemis | Advertising Systems Inc. Digital advertising targeted to connected TV not only remains an attractive buy — it far exceeded expectations during a year that was dominated by the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a report released last week. The report from eMarketer says ad dollars invested in connected TVs in the US […]

Blog, Video Marketing

Experts Turn to Marketing to Fight Vaccine Hesitancy

By Jay Bemis | Advertising Systems Inc. Some of the busiest marketers today are those battling COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy, which is become a growing concern among government officials, the medical profession and marketing agencies alike. The New York Times succinctly summarized the challenge that those anti-hesitancy allies face with this headline from today: “Half of […]

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Pandemic Brings Stardom to Mobile Pay Apps

By Jay Bemis | Advertising Systems Inc. In the fall of 2014, during their annual reveal of new products and services, the “one more thing” that Apple and CEO Tim Cook would introduce to the world, Apple Pay, would prove to be a yawner in its infancy. In the first half of 2015, reports found […]

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Marketing Advisory: Think About Year’s-End Holidays Now

By Jay Bemis | Advertising Systems Inc. Soon the summer holiday season will be upon us, stoking thoughts of burgers sizzling on the grill and possible vacation trips ahead as the pandemic keeps easing its grip a bit. But right now also is the time that retailers and marketers should start concentrating on this year’s […]


Digital Grocery Shopping to Remain a Thing in 2021

By Jay Bemis | Advertising Systems Inc. With COVID-19 vaccinations steadily climbing and experts predicting herd immunity sometime later this year as a result, one would think those lines of cars waiting for their digital grocery orders at the back of stores might get shorter and even go away later this year. But, not so […]

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Apple Takes a Bigger Bite of US Smartphone Market

By Jay Bemis | Advertising Systems Inc. Size, cost, third-party apps: These are among the factors that smartphone users take into account when deciding whether a new device should be an iPhone or an Android. More people opt for an Android, but Apple continues to cut into U.S. market share and is getting closer to […]

Blog, Technology

Connected TV a Popular Ad Buy in These Trying Times

By Jay Bemis | Advertising Systems Inc.Advertisers generally held back and tightened their budgets during 2020 as the global pandemic unfolded. But there was one advertising arena that became particularly attractive in the United States during the third quarter of the year: Connected TV (CTV), with YouTube advertising leading the way. The experts at eMarketer […]

Blog, Video Marketing