Tag Archives: Website Development

4 Things to Consider When Hiring a Small Business Marketing Agency

by Jay Bemis | Advertising Systems Inc. As the owner of a small business who wants to ramp up your marketing strategy, you’ve already tried the do-it-yourself route and found the complexities and time so overwhelming that you’ve added a marketing manager to your staff. However, that manager, you’ve realized, doesn’t really understand the path […]

Blog, Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, Email Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Print Marketing, Search Marketing, Small Business, Social Marketing

Digital Advertising will be 70% of SMB Marketing Budgets by 2015

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMB´s) will continue the recent trend of shifting their marketing budgets to digital advertising, performance-based platforms and customer retention business solutions over the next five years, according to a new U.S. SMB Spending Forecast by BIA/Kelsey. This trend creates an increasingly large market opportunity for businesses serving SMBs and developing SMB […]

Digital Marketing, Email Marketing, Mobile Marketing, News, Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Marketing

3 Reasons Every Franchisee Needs His/Her Own Website

Franchise businesses employ over 7 million people in the U.S. At HubSpot, we speak with franchise companies with hundreds of individual franchisees in their networks, but some do not maintain individual websites for their franchisees. This is a problem, because although potential customers can find your corporate website, often these same potential customers would rather […]

Digital Marketing, Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Marketing

Website and Email Critical B2B Investments

Time-tested online media to see budget increases According to a survey of business-to-business (B2B) marketers, traditional online tactics remain key to marketing success. Just over half of B2B marketers surveyed told BtoB Magazine their budgets would go up this year, mostly by less than 15%. With a primary marketing goal of customer acquisition (69%), the […]


Small Businesses Focus Digital Marketing Budget on Websites

Looking to other low-cost marketing options A plurality of small businesses will keep their marketing budgets steady next year across the board, including spending on websites, direct mail, print, TV and social media, according to research by Zoomerang and GrowBiz Media, a provider of information and services to help organizations reach the small and midsize […]
