Tag Archives: brand strategy

On Your Instagram Feed Soon: The Likes of Ariana Grande

By Jay Bemis | Advertising Systems Inc.  You don’t follow Ariana Grande on Instagram, but suddenly her image is serenading you on the social-media platform. What’s up with that? It’s Instagram’s attempt to seize upon the social-influencer market with a new revenue strategy — “branded content” ads, from which advertisers can promote branded content from […]

Blog, News, Social Marketing

Why You Should Consider Outsourcing These Business Tasks

Wearing multiple hats is no easy job for anyone, but it comes with the territory of managing your own business, or starting up your, well, start-up. Time management skills become essential, but the fact remains: There’s only so much you (or a small team) can do in 24 hours in the day. Fortunately, there are multiple cost-effective […]

Blog, Blogging, Digital Marketing, Email Marketing, News, Search Engine Marketing, Small Business, Social Media Marketing, Technology