Tag Archives: Gen Z

5 Ways to Improve Your Video Marketing Strategy

By Jay Bemis | Advertising Systems Inc. On a recent episode of “Master Chef: Generations,” chef Aarón Sánchez described Generation Z as an age “born with phones in your hands.” Indeed, members of Gen Z — generally defined as those born between 1997 and 2012 — were born in the earlier stages of the internet […]


Direct Mail’s Revival Marches Onward

By Jay Bemis | Advertising Systems Inc. Here’s a newer marketing buzzword we recently learned and like: “Tradigital Marketing.” It means blending the digital marketing practices of today with more traditional forms of the marketing business as part of your overall strategy. The coiner of the term, if we may call him so, is David […]


Targeting Holiday Shoppers Across the Ages

By Jay Bemis | Advertising Systems Inc. It’s that time of the year when many shoppers fret over what to get kids, parents, grandparents and others when compiling their shopping lists for the holiday season. Marketers have been concerned about such age ranges and how to reach them, too, as eMarketer/Insider Intelligence noted in a […]


Tech, F&B Rank Highly on Gen Z’s Top Brands List

By Jay Bemis | Advertising Systems Inc. When it comes to targeting Generation Z, it’s those marketers who ply their trade in the tech and food and beverage industries who skip a little more happily, perhaps, down Easy Street. Tech and F&B companies dominated the Top 40 brands among Gen Zers — or those ages […]
