
February 1, 2012

Mashable Poll: 79% of Users Turned Off by Facebook Timeline

Last week, Mashable conducted a poll of approximately 1,600 online voters on how Facebook users were affected by the social media giant’s  Timeline makeover.

The results? Approximately 79% of the voters said Timeline should be optional. And while Facebook’s Timeline is optional to all users as of now, the old profile will soon become a relic of the past: This month, all 800 million Facebook users will have a Timeline, not a “profile.” (Click here to read about Timeline  as a tool for brands and marketers.)

The poll also noted that exactly 50% of voters were early adopters of the Timeline, implying that many Facebook users – perhaps half of them – aren’t ready for Facebook’s big change.

Some users think it’s a fun way to view their personal history; others think it’s cluttered and creepy. Do you have Facebook Timeline?

Get the full results of the poll or submit your feedback on Mashable here.

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