by Jaimie Siegle | Advertising Systems, Inc.
Small business owners know they need marketing to find new clients and grow their business, but they’re unsure about marketers and the different ways to promote their products and services, according to an article from eMarketer.The chart below shows multiple marketing tactics, and which ones U.S. small business owners found the most effective. Not surprisingly, word-of-mouth and customer referrals was the most efficient strategy, followed by networking, advertising (print, broadcast, etc.) and direct mail or email marketing.
The article also references a study that forecasts where small business owners plan to spend their marketing dollars in 2013: Facebook advertising and banner ads came out on top. These tactics, however, won’t work for every industry or business – which is why SBOs are finding it difficult to choose which marketer to work with, not to mention limited funds for marketing purposes.
“Tight budgets notwithstanding, SBOs would likely be more inclined to open their wallets if the marketing aimed at them struck a chord—but it often does not. Small-business owners complain that companies don’t market to them effectively or make the effort to understand their business,” eMarketer says. Instead, marketers’ potential customers want tailored programs that fit their individual needs and reach their targeted customers. And unfortunately, a “one size fits all” marketing plan won’t make the cut.
What marketing strategies work or don’t work for your small business? We’d love to hear your thoughts!